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  • Dielleza's struggle to grow her X account and build TweetPeek

Dielleza's struggle to grow her X account and build TweetPeek

Meet Diellëza Galica, one of the minds behind TweetPeek.

Diellëza is a software engineer with a bachelor in computer science and a master in business management. She worked as a lead software engineer for six years before deciding to take the plunge into the world of startups and put that business knowledge to a good use.

A man and a woman sitting on a terasse - each with a laptop. A table with glasses and coca cola cans. In the background an open door.

Diellëza Galica and Synim (cofounders) building TweetPeek

The story told by Diellëza

The story of TweetPeek began with a problem.

My co-founder Synim and I were struggling to grow our X accounts efficiently. We were going to burn out trying to keep a social media presence and build products at the same time.

We needed a tool that could save us time and help us find the right audience. And we knew we weren’t the only ones.

In a moment of inspiration, we started building TweetPeek in March 2023.

Our focus was on creating features like SmartFollows, which uses AI-powered audience targeting and SmartUnfollows, which helps clean up your followers list periodically.

Screenshot of a user interface - mainly text on light background. Top left a logo and the text "TweetPeek". The page heading says "Your follow strategy - Set it and forget it!"

TweetPeek’s main functionality (SmartFollows)

Before launching the product to the world, we made sure we used it ourselves and gained real value from it.

Launching Cycle

From March to June (2023), we worked on finding the right product-market fit for TweetPeek. The product evolved significantly from its initial version, which was simply an AI-powered profile analyzer for gaining insights into X accounts.

Screenshot of a user interface. Mainly text on white background plus an avatar.

First version ever including only the profile analysis with AI

After gathering extensive feedback, we arrived at a version we believed would meet a genuine need. We launched on X with lifetime deals and promoted the product. The lifetime deals served as a good indicator of TweetPeek's potential.

Launch post on X below.

From June to September (2023), we focused on defining monthly models and pricing strategies.

In September 2023, we launched the subscriptions from 8.99$, and by October 2023, we had 100 customers. During that month, we:

  • Frequently posted about special pricing for early adopters (example)

  • Encouraged our first users to share testimonials on social media (example)

  • Offered a 7-day free trial, sales, and gifts

  • Wrote blogs on different platforms for SEO (example)

  • Showcased our personal account results achieved using TweetPeek (example)

  • Ran ads on X

  • Provided responsive customer support and guides on using the product

Today (May 2024), we have around 2k active users and 700 paying customers on different plans. It's been a fun ride watching the product grow.

A graph shoring weekly users over time. The line is going up.

Weekly TweetPeek users

The Marketing Ride

Now, I won't sugarcoat it – marketing TweetPeek was a challenge.

There's a stigma around social media growth tools, with some people believing they're all about buying fake followers.

But that's not our style.

Getting that message across to potential users? Not always easy, but we're committed to keeping things transparent.

When it came to spreading the word, we tried various advertising methods. Ads on X and posts proved to be the most effective, and listing TweetPeek in multiple AI product repositories also worked well. Examples and stats below.

Screenshot of social media post on X by "Dielleza". The primary text says: "How I managed to keep my social life sane and grow my Twitter to 1k follow, a guide ..."
A few metrics. Text on grey background. The metrics are Link clicks, Link click rate, and Cost per link click.

Best results from our ad with only 0.12$ cost per click

However, Google Ads were too expensive at this stage with little conversion, and Reddit posting didn't work due to the platform's nature.

A post from reddit. Text on white background. The primary text says: "Is Twitter (X) growth a make-or-break for your startup? Hey founders, I've been mulling over this thought recently - how essential is Twitter growth for a startup? No denying, boosting those follower numbers isn't a walk in the park! But having a good digit on your profile definetely works miracles on your brand's credibility. So I wanted to ask - is getting new followers (target audience) on Tiwtter a key goal for your projects? I it is, how are you tacling this challenge? Would love to pick up a few new strategies."

Failed attempt at promoting TweetPeek in Reddit

We also used our own X accounts (grown using TweetPeek, of course) to promote the product, announce sales, and share exciting updates.

We want to emphasize that TweetPeek is designed to help users grow their X presence authentically and efficiently. We do not condone or support any practices that involve buying fake followers or engaging in spammy behavior. Our goal is to provide a tool that helps users connect with their target audience and build genuine relationships on the platform.

Looking back, the journey from software engineer to SaaS founder has been a wild one. We've had our fair share of challenges and learned a ton along the way.

But seeing the value TweetPeek brings to our users? That makes it all worth it.

As we continue to grow and evolve, our mission remains the same: helping businesses and individuals grow their X presence authentically and efficiently.

Statistics user interface with various metrics.

Targeted audience selected from SmartFollows with followers results

So there you have it – the inside story of TweetPeek.ai. If you've got questions or just want to swap startup stories, feel free to reach out to Diellëza on X.

Diellëza is also the co-founder of AldAstra Labs. An innovation hub untangling internet knots with novel technology. Check it out.


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