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How Sidi is growing his form builder

Meet Sidi Jeddou.

Sidi is a 21 years old guy from Mauritania, Africa.

He used to be a freelancer, and and has previously built Float UI - A UI library based on Tailwind CSS.

Now he is bootstrapping the form builder RapidForms.

RapidForms is Sidisโ€™ full time occupation, and itโ€™s part of Marsx, the startup he works at. He works on the product solo, but is getting feedback from Marsx to improve it.

Sidi Jeddou - Founder of RapidForms

The story told by Sidi Jeddou

I started building RapidForms December 25th, 2023 after getting tired of other form builders out there. I launched the first version February 9th, 2024.

The RapidForms homepage

Before launching I got 4 customers from pre-sales, and It took me 1-2 months to get the first 100 users for RapidForms. Currently I have over 20 happy customers and 1k users, and around 300 weekly visitors.

Monthly recurring revenue (MRR) for RapidForms

The main struggle I had when I started was how can I convince people to try my form builder out of many other form builders in the market. So I thought I should have a story behind it, and I actually had some points that I didnโ€™t like about other form builders. That made me start my own product with focus on data privacy, customization, and price.

Data privacy
I donโ€™t trust others when it comes to my data - and others data. Too many horrible stories on how companies uses our data either to sell it or to analyze it for some sketchy purposes

I always wanted to build forms that would match my website design the easy way. Unfortunately, I typically end up coding everything myself and style my forms with CSS or Tailwind CSS.

I have checked the market for many form builders. They all seem to have monthly subscriptions with expensive plans that starts at about $29 per month - with limited forms and submissions.

The user interface of RapidForms

My marketing wins

Marketing is a pain for many founders - especially bootstrapped founders. I tried many things that helped me a lot in the early days of building RapidForms though.

I have had pretty solid success posting on reddit. I have written many posts related to RapidForms and included my website url. I always did my best not to make it sound like a marketing post to avoid getting banned. The reddit community can be very toxic and sensitive.

A few of my reddit posts below:

I did the same on the developer commmunity DEV:

I also got some traction launching my SaaS on Product Hunt and DevHunt. I was also actively sharing my progress and what I build on my personal X account - example below.

I did notice an increase in users after launching on Product Hunt and DevHunt. When announcing the Product Hunt launch from my X account I got 3 new paying customers.

My marketing fails

Two specific tools in the marketing toolbox didnโ€™t really work out for me so far.

Cold outreach
I collected some emails, accounts on X, and LinkedIn, and sent them messages about RapidForms, and what problems it solves (see example below). But got no response. Btw, I will never do this again.

Example of my cold outreach attempt

I've been updating my websiteโ€™s pages, revising the copy, adding new sections, and linking everything together, but I haven't noticed any significant changes yet.

Tumbleweeds Plains GIF

Hello โ€ฆ?

I know SEO takes time, and results donโ€™t happen overnight, but I just wanted to share this part of the journey ๐Ÿ™‚

Visitor stats for rapidforms.co

Contact information for Sidi Jeddou.


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